M2M Race Kit

Click here to join us in the Medford2Medford private Facebook group to share your successes, your challenges, and your questions.

Use #medford2medford on your pages to brag about your awesomeness. We want to know, and we want to virtually shout it from the 12,174-ft peak of the Rockies and through the near-sea-level streets of Medford, MA.

Donations to Date

We won’t bury the lead: you and your friends/family are INCREDIBLE!

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Total raised

Average donation

Total donations

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Top fundraiser
Pam Fallon
(Solo Run/Walk)

Hon. Mention
Kerstin Heinsen
(Team MR8: Runs on Kindness)

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Top team
Merrimack Valley YMCA Team 1

Hon. Mention

Lieberman Maccabees


Top donors
Jodi Albertini
Mark Bost (Move2EndMS)
Sandra Lehane


Although fundraising is not required, we’d love for you to join us in support any of the excellent charities above that have partnered with Medford2Medford. If you would like to raise money for a local charity that is near and dear to you, email info@dmsesports.com to inquire about adding them as a charity partner.

State Badges

You’ve come a long way, so it’s time to humble brag. Click on each of the badges below to download (right click on desktop, screenshot on mobile) and share to your platform of choice.

Finisher Badges

So you’ve finished your challenge. CONGRATS!! You, amazingly, picked a goal and crushed it. So go ahead, brag about it. Download your finisher badge and share it to social.

Where are you and who’s in the lead?




Teammates’ Accumulated Mileage

Click on each of the images below to be taken to the interactive mile accumulation for you and your teammates.





Music to Get You Through

Whether you and your teammates are virtually making your way across the country or across Massachusetts, you have a lot of miles to cover. So, to help you along, we put together a playlist of 152 songs… 9 hours and 31 minutes of running/traveling/America/overall-awesomeness-related tunes to provide a beat to move to. (100 songs are available below. The rest can be found on your Spotify app.)


 Outfit Yourself